In a groundbreaking test, recycled glass processed through the VIS machine (V-glass) is being used in test slabs in the Victorian Government Metro Tunnel Project.  Due to the unique effects that the VIS machine has on the recycled glass, it is able to be used as a replacement for river sand in the concrete mix. The test slabs are testing various ratios of V-glass to river sand, with tests ranging from 20% replacement to 80% replacement. The picture above was taken on the 40% ration mix pour.

This is currently underway with the 25% and 40% ratio mix successfully done. We will update on the additional slabs once done and the V-glass is achieving results not thought possible with glass as a sand replacement. The V-glass is added to the mix without any specialised chemical binders or reactivity agents and is achieving the results purely on the reactivity of the particles after them going through the VIS machine.

The project is partnership of the University of Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Holcim Australia, Cement Australia, Cross Yarra Partnership and Rail Projects Victoria.

You can read the full article and watch the video on the project here:

Applications for the VIS machine

Through several years of testing many materials on a basic level, we have explored where the VIS36 can be applied and are presently working with global stature companies across major sectors in proving the machine performance in the cementitious and mining ore industries.  In addition, we are busy evaluating testing programs in other niche areas such as coal milling, bio waste processing, grain/food processing and other applications.  We welcome any partners wanting to explore and develop new markets around the application of our machine.

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